Thing 17: Open Educational Resources

In this Thing you’ll learn about Open Educational Resources (OER). OER are free resources that have been made available for others to use, share and adapt to support learning.

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Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 17: Open Educational Resources

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OER promote and support sustainable educational development. These take many forms such as presentations, modules, entire courses, text documents, videos, graphics, sound and much more.



We have created several OER and host these on the Learning Zone. We licence all SSSC OER, including 23 Things, under CC BY 4.0. This licence means that anyone can share and/or adapt the material in the OER for any purpose, even commercially. The only requirement is that you give appropriate credit to the SSSC, provide a link and indicate any changes you made.

Watch the following video which explains how the SSSC is working with OER.

If you can’t view the video, try watching it on YouTube.

Have a look at the SSSC 23 Things: Digital OER – you should recognise much of the content!

b) Finding OER

There are many OER which are useful to social service workers and employers. For example, the Open University often offer OERs. You can access these on the Open University’s website. 

The University of Edinburgh’s Open.Ed website currently hosts End of life care after a stroke, an OER developed by Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland with lots of information and several videos which can help practitioners have conversations about end-of-life care after stroke. This material is available under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. 

Use the  OER Commons or OASIS website to find an interesting OER related to your role.

c) Blog

Write a blog entry reflecting on the idea behind OER and how you might use such resources to support your practice. Also consider any limitations of OER and why some people oppose this approach to learning.

Image credit: OER Global Logo by Jonathas Mello is licensed under CC BY 3.0.