Thing 23: Next steps

To complete this Thing, you must have completed all the other 22 Things.

Open Badge information

Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 23: Next Steps

Counts towards: SSSC 23 Things Digital – Got the Lot


If you’re about to start working on this Thing, you’ve come a long way! It’s really important to take the opportunity to reflect on where you were and how you got to where you are now. This thing is also about planning what you will do next with your digital capabilities.


a) Reflect

Think about your journey through the 23 Things, what you learned, and your thoughts on this approach to learning.

Go back to your self-assessment in Thing 3, and reflect on the scores you gave yourself in terms of capability, confidence and relevance. Where would you score yourself now? Have there been any changes, and if so, think about why.

b) Plan

Use this opportunity to think about what you’d like to do next.

  • How will you apply your learning in your practice setting? What further learning needs have you identified?
  • Would you recommend a 23 Things approach to learning to other social service workers?
  • Would you consider developing a 23 Things resource for your organisation?

c) Request your evaluation survey by emailing with the subject line ‘23 things survey’

d) Write a blog post of at least 100 words reflecting on the activities above and the process of working through the 23 Things as a whole. Make sure you also set out your plan for what you are going to do next with your digital capabilities

Thank you for participating!

Image credit: Learn-897410, CC0 1.0 Universal – Public Domain.